Feb. 26, 2022 : Hon. Candice Bergen PC MP – Conservative policy on carbon tax and climate change
Feb. 26, 2022
Attn: Hon. Candice Bergen PC MP
Re: Conservative policy on carbon tax and climate change
First of all, on behalf of Just Earth, we congratulate you on your election as interim leader. We are an environmental NGO, based in Toronto, a member of Climate Action Network.
Many Conservative MPs opposed Erin O’Toole’s continued leadership for his advocacy of a form of carbon tax, contrary to the party platform. Others such as Just Earth considered that the “carbon savings account” he proposed was inadequate, or even counter-productive. You must know that five provinces already have a carbon-tax rebate in place, so that a strong plurality of voters in most constituencies in Canada might object strenuously to its cancellation.
We ask, with these considerations in mind, if now might be a good time for the party to re-visit its climate policy?
We are all aware of the fires and floods of last year and the prospect of more this year. The dire predictions of climate scientists of extreme weather have proven to be true and that Canadians need to be reassured that governments are planning and preparing the necessary steps to avoid more catastrophes.
We also note that there is significant, and growing, consensus among Conservatives, and leading Conservative think tanks, on the utility of a carbon tax. It has been favoured since 2006 as the business-friendly solution, for it gives individual consumers and businesses wide choice in measures they can take.
In fact, a two-year study by the Sustainable Prosperity Institute at the University of Ottawa found that the business community in Canada is overwhelmingly in favour of a price on carbon. The report emphasizes investor confidence and policy certainty as important factors. In addition, as you also must be aware, renewable energy is demonstrating positive job creation due to longer and more diverse supply chains, high labour intensity and ongoing installation, operation and maintenance.
Therefore, we at Just Earth look forward to seeing a responsible, evidence-based climate policy as the Party moves forward, including retention of the carbon tax and look forward to your reply at info@justearth.net.
Yours truly,
Rose Dyson, Lynn McDonald, Dorothy Goldin Rosenberg, Joyce Hall, Ronny Yaron, Marjut Marjut