Sign the Declaration
The declaration is also available in the following languages: Français; Italiano; Deutsch; Español
We the signatories to this declaration:
consider that climate change and environmental deterioration constitute serious threats to the health and well-being of present humankind, other species and even more so of future generations, understanding these problems to be the consequence of our excessive use of fossil fuels and other natural resources and generally wasteful lifestyles;
recognize increased greenhouse gases, the near depletion of relatively clean and efficient fossil fuels, declining biodiversity and increasing pollutants in the air, water and soil to be symptoms of distress calling us to urgent action;
further recognize that climate change and environmental deterioration result in environmental injustice, that those most harmed have no voice in the economic and political decisions that cause this injustice–future generations, the young and those in countries at whose expense we profit;
acknowledge the abundance of well-researched warnings of harm, from reputable experts in government departments, international agencies, academic and other institutions, and the nearly total absence of action on the comprehensive and well-articulated recommendations for remedy;
understand that the waging of war and the preparation for it, in addition to all their harmful direct consequences, also contribute to environmental damage and divert scarce resources from such uses as health, education, development and environmental remediation, so that the peaceful resolution of conflicts is a parallel concern; we recognize further that resource depletion itself is a cause for war.
We accordingly affirm the need for profound changes in our political, economic and cultural systems.
While we believe that technological advances may help in the solution of many problems, we do not believe that there are technical fixes for everything, so that we must change the way we live and work to meet the challenge. We encourage examination of the underlying philosophical and spiritual principles that guide human activity.
We believe that people are capable of growth and change, and can rethink and reformulate the required changes. We take as positive examples the achievement of such reforms as the ending of slavery and apartheid, the recognition of human rights of all kinds, the development of democracy in many nations and the early stages of international co-operation in the United Nations and its agencies.
As individuals we pledge ourselves to work towards fundamental change of our political, economic and cultural systems in order to develop a viable relationship with the planet that sustains us.